Thursday, March 7, 2013

McCalls 6059

 So I decided to make a top for Kaylee as well. I wanted it to be a round neck top. Here is the pattern I used.

Here is what it looked like finished. I love this fabric and wish I had bought more of it. Unfortunately I only had enough for a top for Kaylee and her doll.

I used this pattern for the doll. I used the pink and green polka dot long shirt and just didn't add the sleeves. I also didn't have enough fabric to make shorts so I just made the top a little longer.
I didn't have enough fabric to make shorts so I just made the top a little longer. Of course I couldn't just make a dress for Kaylee's doll so I made one for Abby's doll with the fabric switched.
I also made the shoes  and headband to match. They turned out really good expect the girls can't keep the shoes on their dolls. Next time I will have to make them a little tighter.

Kaylee loves her new outfit! She is already asking what I am making next.

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